MAME는 Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator의 약어입니다. MAME는 원래 아케이드 게임의 ROM 및 디스크 데이터의 이미지와 함께 사용될 때보다 현대적인 범용 컴퓨터에서 해당 게임을 최대한 충실하게 재현하려는 프로젝트로 지금까지 진행되고 있습니다.
MAME는 현재 1970 년대 후반부터 현대까지 수천 가지의 고전적인 아케이드 비디오 게임을 구동할 수 있습니다.
2021년 7월 28일에 MAME 0.234로 갱신되었습니다.
자세한 업데이트 내역은 첨부된 whatsnew_0234.txt 을 참고바랍니다.
■ MAME 0.234 주요변경사항 comment ■ Newly supported systems include Runaway (a licensed version of Sega’s Head On made by Sun Electronics), Konami’s Magical Twin Bee (the European version of Twin Bee Yahhoo!), and Tronica’s LCD hand-held Spider (same program as Space Mission, but with different artwork). Although it was added last month, VS Mahjong Triangle is now working. This is a rare early example of a mahjong game supporting two simultaneous single-player games, or a two-player game – a format popularised a decade later by Psikyo’s Taisen Hot Gimmick.
There have been two significant sets of improvements for 3D arcade games this month: rewritten 3dfx Voodoo Graphics emulation, giving significant performance gains in many cases, and continued development on Konami’s ZR017 and GTI Club hardware. Although not directly related to 3D graphics, bug fixes for the Fujitsu TGP DSP make Motor Raid more playable. We haven’t forgotten 2D arcade games – Namco racing games have seen another round of fixes for missing or incorrectly positioned sprites, and missing sprites are now drawn in Data East’s Chanbara.
For home systems, our friend kmg has been hard at work adding support for pirate NES/Famicom cartridges, and Brian Johnson has fixed a couple of video issues on the Epson QX-10. Kelvin Sherlock added support for the LANceGS card, providing another networking option for Apple II users. ■ MAME 0.234 신규 게임 목록 ■
Canon Palmtronic F-31 [hap, Sean Riddle] Fidelity Electronics / CXG Systems Eldorado Chess Challenger [hap, bataais] National Semiconductor DB32016 [Al Kossow] Runaway (Sun Electronics, Japan) [Dillweed] Texas Instruments TI-1680 [hap, Sean Riddle]